Trademark Notice: The trademark images below and elsewhere on this webpage are an aid to identifying which style Muller Choke to order. Muller Chokes has no affiliation with any of the listed gun makers and we do not intend to imply or claim endorsement or sponsorship of any listed gun maker.

Stainless Competition Chokes

Ü0= Cylinder/Skeet

Ü1= Skeet/Improved Cylinder

Ü2= Light Modified/Modified

Ü3= Modified/Improved Modified

Ü4= Full/XFull

12 gauge OPTIMA HP Stainless Steel   (Beretta A400 Explorer, Beretta 692, DT-11, SV10 Prevail and SV10 Perennia) Choke Tube

12 gauge OPTIMA HP Stainless Steel Competition (Beretta A400 Xplor, Beretta 692, DT-11, SV10 Prevail and SV10 Perennia) Choke Tube

Constriction Guide: Ü0: Cylinder/Skeet,  Ü1: Skeet/Improved Cylinder,  Ü2: Light Modified/Modified,  Ü3: Modified/Improved Modified,  Ü4: Full/Extra Full.  Muller Chokes is not responsible for incorrect choke selection. If you are unsure what choke your barrel takes, please check with a reputable gunsmith.

12 gauge OPTIMA Stainless Steel (Beretta/Benelli .732 bore) Choke Tube

12 gauge OPTIMA Stainless Steel Competition Choke Tube

Constriction Guide: U0: Cylinder/Skeet, U1: Skeet/Improved Cylinder,  U2: Light Modified/Modified,  U3: Modified/Improved Modified,  U4: Full/Extra Full.  Muller Chokes is not responsible for incorrect choke selection. If you are unsure what choke your barrel takes, please check with a reputable gunsmith.

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Trademark Notice: The images below are an aid to identifying which style Muller Stainless Competition Choke to order. Muller Chokes has no affiliation with any of the listed gun makers and we do not intend to imply endorsement or sponsorship of any listed gun maker.

3-Gun Competition Chokes

