Extension Length: 1 1/8"
Constriction Guide:
STRÜT: A unique Turkey choke. Best with Lead Turkey loads past 30 yards, but forgiving inside 30.
TSSPAST 60 yards on Waterfowl & Turkey.
No Limits! Compatible with ALL Target & Hunting ammunition, including Turkey Loads, Buckshot, Slugs, Steel Shot, Hevi Shot, Tungsten, TSS, Kent, Fasteel, Bismuth, ITX, Winchester Blindside, Federal Black Cloud, Remington Nitro Steel, for Deer, Dove & Quail, Pheasant, Turkey, Duck Hunting, Ducks, Goose Hunting, Geese, Snow Goose, Sea Ducks. (Slugs not to be used with TURKEY)
Muller Chokes is not responsible for incorrect choke selection. If you are unsure what choke your barrel takes, please check with a reputable gun smith.